Fresh Cut Flowers from Our Farm
2021 Flower Bouquet Share is Open!
Flower Bouquet Share delivered to your home or pick up on the farm!
Our Homegrown Fresh Cut Flowers are available June until September/October depending upon when we get a hard frost.
For the 2020 season we have a floral cooler located in the white tent which is self serve. 2021 we will offer something similar.
Cooler will be stocked with ready made bouquets and mason jar arrangements and will be self serve.
Custom orders are welcome!
Bulk buckets for your event are also available, please contact us at least 24 hours ahead if you would like a bulk bucket.
2021 Prices as follows:
Mason Jar - Pints $20
Mason Jar Quarts - $30
Mason Jar Half Gallon - $50
Ready made Bouquets - $25 and up
Bulk Buckets (roughly 100 stems in your choice of color, growers choice of flowers that are available at the time) $50
Custom Arrangements and Bouquets - vary upon size and flowers used. Please let me know colors and price range and I will make something especially beautiful for you.
Flower CSA Delivered to your home. 10 week subscription/$264 includes delivery and tax. 2021 season is open. Please contact us if interested!
Below are examples of flowers from this year so far.
To order, please email Kathryn at or call/text at 507-481-8610. Can also Facebook message from our Facebook page Our Farm Fresh.